A cluster of central banking investors has become major players on world equity markets, according to a report to be published this week by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, a central bank research and advisory group. 央行研究和咨询机构&官方货币与金融机构论坛(OfficialMonetaryandFinancialInstitutionsForum)将于本周发表的一份报告称,一些央行投资者已变成全球股市的主要参与者。
Before that, however, the bank had been the central banking instituion for over a century. 然而,在这之前,英格兰银行就已经成为中央银行有100多年了。
While the conduct of central banking remains a purely sovereign affair, there are growing and eerily similar tendencies between private and public-sector banks in their generation of risk and their mitigation activities. 尽管各央行的行为仍然完全属于主权事务的范畴,但在创造风险和减轻风险方面,私人和公共部门银行之间的倾向日益相似,令人担忧。
The new world of post-crisis central banking will create significant institutional challenges. 危机后央行面临的新局面,将带来重大的制度挑战。
Nevertheless, central banking has been transformed, in practice and theory. 然而,央行在理论和实践上都已发生了彻底转变。
That is true, though hardly automatic in a regime of independent central banking. 这话没错,尽管在采取独立央行的体制中,这一点基本不是自动实现的。
The public is entitled to know how much of their purse is at risk in the central banking world. 公众有权知道在中央银行的世界里,自己钱包里的钱有多少面临着风险。
But in the euro crisis, the ECB is suddenly behaving in a way that veers wildly from the Germanic view of prudent central banking. 但在欧元区危机中,欧洲央行的行为方式突然严重走偏,不再符合德国人对审慎央行行为的定义。
Central banking has much in common with chess and fencing. 中央银行业务与国际象棋和击剑有许多共同之处。
One reserve manager told Central Banking: Large amounts of reserves increase attention paid by the public on the quality of reserve management and particularly on returns. 一位储备经理对《CentralBanking》表示:巨额外汇储备提高了公众对外汇储备管理质量的关注,特别是在回报方面。
More widely, with finance ministries co-ordinating, playing a renewed role in macro policy, and being held responsible for the results, the challenge will be to preserve the advantages of non-political decision-making in central banking and regulation. 更广泛而言,随着财政部参与协调、在宏观政策中扮演新的角色、并担负起对政策结果的责任,保护央行与监管部门“非政治性决策”的优势,将成为我们面临的挑战。
Here he is breaking at least two taboos of central banking. 安倍此举至少打破了央行的两个禁忌。
The first serious attempt to put central banking on a sound scientific basis failed miserably. 人们将央行工作置于健全科学基础上的首次认真尝试,以失败而狼狈告终。
It was to finance military expeditions in Europe that the English invented central banking in 1694; it was to fund the Napoleonic wars that Britain invented the modern income tax. 为了向在欧洲的军事开支提供资金,英格兰人在1694年发明了中央银行;为了解决拿破仑战争所需资金,不列颠人发明了当代的所得税。
Not an effective central banking regulator. 没有一个有效的央行监管机构。
These are exciting times in European central banking. 欧洲的中央银行业迎来了激动人心的时刻。
Congratulations and commiserations: next week, you will take up one of the most important central banking jobs in the world; but you will also bear a frightful responsibility. 谨在此表示祝贺和同情:下周你就将履新,走上世界上最重要的央行工作岗位之一;但你同时也将肩负起一项可怕的责任。
The divide between central banking and politics looks much less clean today. 央行运行和政治之间的隔阂今天看来比以前模糊得多。
The ECB said it would ensure essential central banking activities were maintained during the protest action. 欧洲央行表示,将确保在抗议期间维持基本的央行活动。
Adroit central banking could and would prevent depression. 机智的央行决策能够(也会)阻止萧条。
The quest for a scientific foundation for central banking has been going on for a long time. This quest led in the 1960s and 1970s to large-scale econometric models with hundreds of equations describing the economy in much detail. 对央行工作科学基础的探求由来已久。这种探求使得上世纪60年代和70年代出现了大量计量经济学模型,这些模型用数以百计的方程式详细描述经济状况。
Mr Bernanke will shape central banking for years to come. 伯南克将塑造未来多年的央行实践。
So powers of persuasion are needed, particularly given that the ECB now has duties beyond textbook central banking. 所以,具备劝说力是很必要的特别是考虑到欧洲央行现有的职责已超出教科书对央行的要求。
Mr White repeatedly warned of dangerous imbalances in the global financial system as far back as 2003 and breaking a taboo in central banking circles at the time he challenged Alan Greenspan, then chairman of the US Federal Reserve, about his policy of persistent cheap money. 怀特早在2003年便一再警告,全球金融体系存在危险的失衡,而且他打破了当时央行圈子里的一个禁忌,公然质疑时任美联储(fed)主席艾伦格林斯潘(alangreenspan)的持久廉价资金政策。
The scale of the current problems, and of those in Japan after 1990, can reasonably be blamed on inept central banking. 当前危机和日本1990年后危机的重大规模可以理直气壮地归咎于不称职的央行决策。
Consequently, the Formosan bank was established as the central banking organ in the island, and private banking offices were opened in the more important centers. 其结果乃在岛上设立了做为中央银行体系的福尔摩沙银行,而私人银行也开设多重要的办公中心。
We're left with the central banking institutions that are now functioning without convertibility to gold. 我们现在与那些,现如今运行时没有金子转换功能,的中央银行机构打交道。
This is classic central banking at its best. 这是经典的、最佳状态的央行调控。
At the heart of the problem lies an outmoded central banking strategy. 问题的核心在于过时的央行战略。